This project goal was to design a web based application with a simple yet delightful experience for applicants across the country to easily apply and make payments using a variety of local payment channels.
The web platform was a national registration platform for the contest that is easy to use and can scale for applicants from with local payments supported
led user research, product design, prototyping, usability tests and analysis
2 × product designers
3 × engineers
1 × project manager
It was important to ask ourselves key questions which formed our assumptions and hypothesis. These assumptions are critical at the design process as it guided us to understand what was accurate and what wasn't.
The team was able to define the problem, brainstorm solutions and ideas for solving them. Due to the ever revolving stakeholder changes and political influences, we found qualitative research methods to be the most useful with competitive research, stakeholder interviews and a persona construction
To help us further in ensuring we were solving the right problem, taking a look at the results from the initial discovery and research enabled us generate solutions and come up with implementable ideas.
we came up with an easy to follow flow for the platform.
I created two different Personas based on educational backgrounds and exposure to modern agri-business methods, that way ensuring that our target users were grounded based on these personas
To drive inclusion and break the barriers of accessing the platform, we provided support for the major languages spoken in Nigeria.
The registration process was designed with the applicants in mind. from research we knew that we will need to build a simple, clear and easy to use registration process ensuring that the forms were clear, concise and easy to fill.
The screens were responsively designed to responsively resize and fit different screen sizes especially mobile users